Raymarine Open House events in Curacao and Grenada

Budget Marine had a Raymarine open house event in their locations in Curacao and Grenada. There was a very nice turnout at both events with customers enthusiastic about this great multifunctional display.

Roeland van Bijnen, general manager of Budget marine Cuaracao, reports:

We had a very nice Raymarine Axiom introduction event. Rodrigo Santos, representing Raymarine, really had a lot of attention and is a very dedicated and a good presenter. The customers that came to this event also were very much interested and had a lot of questions and interaction with Rodrigo. There were so many questions and nice discussions that we had to stop that to start Rodrigo’s presentation.

Raymarine Open House Event Curacao

Most of them had a (semi) professional fishing background and were very interested in fishing modules, max depth but also the bigger radar installations to spot birds at a 12 miles distance! We started at the end of the day on a Thursday from 4pm to 6pm. We had drinks and snacks available. Also after the presentation the interaction with our customers went on and was very interesting.

Raymarine Open House Event Curacao

Budget Marine Grenada reported similar succes with the Raymarine Open House event and many reactions of people that were sorry they missed the event. Be sure to like our facebook pages and keep close watch of our communications so you won’t miss our stores initiatives!

Raymarine Open House Event Grenada