Antifouling, 039 Platinum 2-Part Navy-Blue Gal


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Manufacturer Part No. SJT/039NV-GL-2P
Brand Seajet
List Price: Special Order
Product code: SJT/039NV-GL-2P
UPC/EAN: 333643
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Product Information

Advanced resin technology with ultimate performance for the highest fouling areas. Improved fuel economy and sailing performance can be expected with this technology. Biocides are released at a carefully controlled rate. Movement of water across the hull helps smooth the surface, constantly exposing a fresh layer of biocides. Recommendation: Use Seajet 117 as a primer.

Coverage rate: 9.98 m² p/liter

Substrates: Polyester Steel Wood

Dry film thickness (DFT): 48μm

Volume Solids: 48%

Product Data

SKU: 333643
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