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Sensor, Battery Temperature with Line:20′


Referencia del fabricante930-0022-20
MarcaBlue Sky Energy
Precio: Pedido Especial
Código de producto:BSK/930-0022-20
Opciones de entrega:
  • Recogida en tienda solamente (FREE)

Descripción del producto

A typical solar panel produces its maximum output power at 17 or 18 volts. This is considerably above the voltage of a nominal 12 volt battery bank. This voltage difference represents power being wasted; a normal regulator simply cuts off or reduces current from the solar panel when the batteries are fully charged.

MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) power controllers have been in use for years on large land-based systems. MPPT uses sophisticated electronics to transform the full output power of the panels down to the exact voltage required by the batteries at their present level of charge. Since the power is constant, transforming down to the lower voltage results in an increase in the current available for charging. Gains of up to 30% are possible depending on battery voltage, temperature and panel voltage.

Blue Sky Energy now brings this technology to smaller systems, enabling you to get more from your investment in solar battery charging.

Note: Other Blue Sky Energy models available, call for quote

Descripción del producto

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